Sunday, February 19, 2012

Getting Prepared

It's Sunday afternoon before I leave for Morocco for my IBM Corporate Services Corp assignment.   After all of the months of training and preparation, it's hard to believe it is only for 4 days until I leave.   I depart from the Austin airport on Thursday morning at 7am where I will take three different plane flights before arriving in Casablanca.   Our team will meet there and stay at a hotel overnight.   On Saturday, we will drive to Rabat, Morocco which is about an hour north of Casablanca where our one month assignment will begin.   Rabat is the capital of Morocco and is located on the Northern coast of Africa, very close to the Strait of Gibraltar in Europe.

My team is from all over the world.  We have team members from the Philippines (Karen), Japan (Mihoko), Taiwan (Austin), India (Tej, Anup, and Sridharan), and USA (Andrew, Rahul, and myself).  Between the 10 of us, we will be working on four different assignments.   I'll be writing more about my specific assignment in the coming days, but Andrew Rahul, and myself will be focusing on a project for the Ministry of Agriculture.   The picture on my blog is a hint about the focus of our assignment.  :-)

Special thanks to my son John for helping me to get my blog set up.   It was a fun project that we enjoyed doing together.  John, thanks for your patience with Mom.   My goal is to update my blog daily but we will have to see.  I just got my new iPhone configured today and hope to be able to take and post pictures of my Moroccan assignment and month-long adventure.

Bye for now.... Amy


  1. With the way you have set this up (in typical Amy fashion) - this is going to be just as exciting for your family and friends as it is for you. Good Luck Amy.

  2. I can't wait to hear about your adventure, Amy! I'm so happy you will have this experience and that Morocco gets to experience you!

  3. Wow Amy, it has been too long since we've seen you--had no idea you were about to embark on such an adventure! Sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime. We can't wait to hear more (and live vicariously through you...) Best of luck!

  4. I'm thinking of you Amy as you begin this incredible journey. Wishing you safe travels and wonderful experiences half way around the world! I'll be checking in to stay up to date on your expedition!
