Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dav 16: Fez Handmade Scarves

After visiting the tannery in Fez, Thami next took us took us on another walk through the alleyways where we later entered another small, unmarked door that lead us into the large room in the pictures below.   This was another one of those 'hidden treasures' that you would have never found without a guide.   The doorway was less than 5 feed tall and you had to duck to enter the dark hallway.   After walking a few feet, you walked into the large, open air room below.   There was no roof in this room but everywhere you looked you saw beautiful fabrics being handmade and stored.

We even got a lesson in the different ways to tie the scarves around our heads.  Fun pictures below. :-)

This was a great place and many of us bought gifts to take home with us.

This was one of the first views of the inside of the scarf warehouse.

There were several areas within the enclosure where there were looms where you could see the men handmaking the scarves out of a combination of wool and silk fabric.   The process was very time consuming and they said that each neck scarf took two days to make.

View of man working the loom to make a scarf.

Several people looked at the large table cloths that were made here.

They offered to show us different ways to tie the scarves.

Not sure that I could remember how to do this at home.  :-)
Mihoko with a different style of tying.

Karen with yet another style.....

Group picture of our very stylish group.   Even Austin and Rahul got into the spirit of things.

Tracey looking at beautiful cloths that she wanted to use as a bedspread.

If you look closely, you can see that this room has no roof and is open to the elements.  They told us that when it rains, they just move everything under cover.

Picture of small doorway to exit the room.  There was even one smaller doorway that you had to enter from the actual alleyway.

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