Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 25: Portraits of Moroccan Women

Monday was spent primarily traveling to Casablanca and in meetings there.   We first met with Ali in the IBM Morocco office and then we had lunch.  In the afternoon, we had our second to the last interview with Inwi which is one of the three primary telecoms in Morocco.   It was a very successful meeting and we gathered many 'lessons learned' from other similar SMS models that have been used and are available in Morocco.

Since it was a 'short' day (ha ha - we worked until almost 8pm on our final deliverable), I thought that I would take this opportunity to show some of the pictures of Moroccan women in the more traditional dress that I have taken while in Morocco.  It has been a fascinating experience to see the various ways that the women dress.   You see everything from the very traditional, fully robed clothing with the face covered to traditional clothing of jeans and a shirt.   Below are some of my favorite pictures from my four weeks here.

Three women visiting on a bench in Fez.

Mother and her child at the market in Marrakech.

This picture was taken in a market in Marrakech.   The women were sitting on tables and selling clothes.

Shopping is a universal pasttime of all women.  :-)

This was one of my favorite pictures that I took in Marrakech.   It was a family walking down the street and I thought it was very interesting of the various styles of dress that it showed by generation.

Picture of women shopping in the market at Marrakech.

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