Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 27: Telecom Visits in Casablanca

On Wednesday we had the last of our interviews scheduled.   Overall, we completed 19 interviews and site visits.   Ali Aqallal, who is the IBM Business Development Manager for IBM Morocco, was kind enough to get a second meeting scheduled with one of the three top telecommunication companies in Morocco.    On Monday, we met with two executives from Inwi and on Wednesday we met with the Vice President of B2B and Wholesale for Meditel.

We traveled to Casablanca for a second day this week for this meeting and Ali met us for this meeting as well.   It was an extremely good meeting and was very helpful to us in determining potential SMS plans, costing models, and technical architectures that could be used to support the proposed SMS strategy for farmers.   Both Inwi and Meditel were very open, giving of their time, and very helpful to us.  We were also very appreciative of Ali's assistance with these meetings.

Tomorrow is our final presentation to the Ministry of Agriculture.  On Wednesday night, I actually started the beginning of my packing to travel back to Austin.   All of our teams have their final executive presentations on Thursday.   On Friday morning, we all board a mini bus to travel back to Casablanca where we will meet with the IBM Morocco team to also do our presentations.   Our flight leaves at 7:30 am on Saturday and I get home around 10 pm.   I'm so looking forward to seeing my family again!!

It's hard to believe that our trip and project are nearing completion.  :-)

Andrew, Rahul, and I in front of the Meditel building in Casablanca.

Here we are again standing in front of both the Meditel and Inwi buildings in Casablanca.  We thought that it was interesting that two of the top three telecommunication companies where located right next door to each other.

In front of the Inwi building where we had our meeting on Wednesday.

Here is one of our favorite lunch spots - El Forno.  They had a great combination where you could get half of any salad and half of any pizza of your choice.  The caprese salad and Rustica pizza were my favorite.

Rahul enjoying lunch.


  1. Amy - have so loved reading your blog, looking at pictures and sharing your trip with you. Of course I loved the loom and scarf merchants, the photos of the lovely women and the food - wow. I gained 5 pounds looking at food pics myself. The decked out camel was vry fun and I loved it that you remembered what I told you. Have fun for the balance of the days, I know you have worked hard, and safe travels home. I will set up girl lunch when you are ready. We are dying to hear of your escapades. - much love Linda Y
