Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 9: Marrakech Souk Shopping

Below are pictures from our afternoon of walking around the Souks (small shops) while in the Marrakech Town Square area.   As you can see from the pictures below, it is a very busy and vibrant place.    I had a great time shopping for scarves and was able to buy some great gifts.

This was the first scarf Souk that we stopped at after arriving at the Marrakech Town Square.   We were starting to negotiate but I didn't buy anything because he kept changing the price that we agreed to.   My dad used to negotiate large aircraft contracts with Boeing for a living, and he always said that you could not effectively negotiate unless you were willing to walk away.   He would have been proud of me.... I walked away.  :-)

Loved the colorful pottery and tangines.

Rahul and Andrew next to some very pretty light fixtures.

Trying scarf negotiations again.  :-)  Thanks to Rahul for loaning me his pictures.

The scarves in this one particular Souk were gorgeous.

The negotiations worked and my Mom, sister, and I will all be enjoying new scarves. :-)  Based on the look on this man's face, I'm hoping that this means that I got a good deal.

Tracey looks quite stunning in her new green slippers.  They had amazing handmade leather shoes and slippers.

Andrew buying some indigo dye for his wife.

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