Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 20: National Geographic and Peaceful Dinners

Wednesday was another 'heads down' day working on our final whitepaper and deliverable.   It doesn't lend itself very well to great pictures (ha ha) but it is what we are spending 90% of our day and many, many hours working on.  We continue to make good progress on working on the initial draft of our white paper to get all of the raw content into place.   I'd say we are about 70% there so far but it is very rough.   We also completed the draft of the executive presentation and I think it looks very good.   I think we will be able to use many of the pictures that we have taken during our project as part of the final executive presentation which will be fun.

We are also starting to complete the first drafts of the architectural overviews that show both the current state and future envisioned design.   Andrew is taking the lead here and is doing a great job.  It's nice to see the many disparate interviews and meetings that we have had starting to come together into united use case scenarios, actors, flow charts, architectural diagrams, etc.

On the non work related front, we have been getting to know a National Geographic crew that is also staying at our hotel and is actually starting to shoot footage there.    Tonight it was a bit like a movie set in the lobby with all of the equipment, cameras, food set up, etc.   It's the crew and actors that film the National Geographic series 'Locked up Abroad'.  I haven't seen it but apparently depicts the stories of Americans who travel overseas on vacations and end up doing something illegal that lands them in jail.   I think the episode that they are filming now is actually related to a story that happened in Egypt.   Not sure why exactly they are filming it in Morocco but it makes for an interesting night to see them at the hotel.

Our group walked to dinner tonight to a seafood restaurant that is right on the water.   It was about a 20 minute walk from our hotel but it was nice to walk along the water and listen to the waves.  The food was very good.

See you tomorrow.


View of the water as our group was walking to dinner.  Very pretty.

Andrew, Sridharan, and Austin at dinner.

Rahul and Karen split a seafood paella that was very good.

Yummy seafood dinner with a great view of the ocean.

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